Five people die each day on UK roads. At PDT, we've made it our mission to raise awareness of poor decisions behind the wheel by highlighting the causes of six real-life fatalities, with Olly Tayler, former police on-call Lead Investigator for serious and fatal collisions.

We're urging you to watch our series of short films. It's a small investment in time which could result in a big impact on our roads.

Watch. Reflect. Share. Don't think it'll never happen to you.


Warning: The following films contain content that some viewers may find upsetting. Viewer discretion is advised. Content not suitable for younger audiences.

Drink Drive - "The little bundle on the road was now fully covered in a blue ambulance blanket. The fight had been lost."


Speed -  "A few miles prior to the collision this driver had overtaken another vehicle at speed with the passenger of that vehicle commenting to the effect ‘there’s an accident waiting to happen..."


Seatbelts - "I could hear the driver's mum screaming down the phone at him that he was wrong. It couldn’t be her son.."


Distractions - Next: Distractions including mobile device use. 


Vulnerable Road User - We're raising awareness of poor decisions behind the wheel by highlighting the causes of six real-life fatalities. 


Fatigue - Our last video for #RoadSafetyWeek🚘 - highlighting the causes of six real-life fatalities - is entitled: Fatigue.

Watch. Reflect. Share. Don't think it'll never happen to you.


Reflection - We've shared six stories of real-life fatalities to raise awareness of the consequences of poor decisions behind the wheel, and it's been a sobering exercise. If we change the behaviour of even one motorist, that will be a step in the right direction.

Watch. Reflect. Share. PLEASE don't think it'll never happen to you, and don’t be the next story to be told.